
 (707) 543-8530


santa rosa california law firm

Client Testimonials

Tom, below is our testimonial.  Every word is true.  You’re the best!!! … Thank you for everything you’ve done for us!!!!


Bankruptcy to us was embarrassing and personal.  After spending literally thousands of dollars on two different companies promising to help us then ultimately being let down by them we were very apprehensive to speak to or trust anyone else.  Tom Jeffrey took all of our concerns away.  He was extremely respectful and understanding of our situation.  His knowledge superseded our expectations.  He resolved our situation expediently and professionally.  He was our rock.  We were always emailing Tom, more than one normally should, and he never made us feel like we were a bother.   You can put your trust in Tom.  He will help you and as a result you will have peace of mind and less stress.  We can’t praise him enough.

R.H. ~ Petaluma, CA


Tom Jeffrey represented us in a personal bankruptcy which involved a [business].  Bankruptcy is such a sensitive, personal process and Tom's thoroughness and compassion made all the difference in a difficult time in our lives.  He amassed all of our information, analyzed our needs and advised us on our options.   His experience and knowledge of the bankruptcy system benefitted us immensely as he worked the system on our behalf.  He has also graciously and quickly made himself available for several follow-up situations and questions on our case.


We are forever grateful and recommend him fully

S.E. and C. C. ~ Bodega Bay, CA


I am an attorney who utilized the services of Tom Jeffrey in my own bankruptcy.  He was kind, professional, and used laypersons terms to explain the rather complicated bankruptcy process.  When I attended court with him, I was intimidated, even though I appear regularly in other types of courts.  His relaxed manner made me in turn, become more relaxed.

I regularly refer potential bankruptcy clients to Tom Jeffrey. His services are very reasonably priced, and he takes the time to make the world of Federal Court seem less formidable.  At a time when I was afraid and under significant stress, he made me feel like I had met with a kind and considerate therapist.  I cannot recommend him highly enough.  I respect the work that he did for me, and admire how he can endure such a barrage of work.

Name withheld ~ Santa Rosa, CA


The hardest issues when facing a bankruptcy are the emotional and financial pressures dealing with the creditors and being able to pay for the legal fees.  Tom Jeffrey not only took over dealing with the creditors, but he also charged a very reasonable and affordable fee.  I was amazed how simple he made the process and how well he kept us informed about what to expect.  Once the process was completed, it was as though the weight of the world was lifted from our shoulders.  Later, after our discharge, we faced another lingering issue.  He helped us take on this creditor and successfully removed that threat also.  I have referred many people to Tom who also needed help.  We are grateful to have met Tom and appreciate his very professional service.

D.C. ~ Santa Rosa, CA


When we were in danger of foreclosure and knew we were going to have to file a bankruptcy, my wife and I were referred to Mr. Jeffrey by H.U.D.  We called his office and were given a very prompt appointment.  When we went to see him we were frightened and confused.  Mr. Jeffrey explained the process, gave us different options of bankruptcy.  He explained the pros and cons of each. We decided which bankruptcy we would file and from that moment on our worries were over.  We had a [creditor meeting] and he was there to represent us.  Everything, from that point forward was taken care of by him. We received some correspondence from the bankruptcy court and not knowing what any of it meant we would call him. He would explain and reassure. Mr. Jeffrey is a very knowledgeable attorney. He is highly professional. From the moment he represented us, he was always available to us. He answered every phone call we made, every email we sent, always within the day. We never felt alone throughout this whole process. My wife and I would recommend Mr. Jeffrey immediately to anyone needing a bankruptcy attorney.  He is a man of integrity, knowledgeable, compassionate and always available to hear his clients’ questions or fears and with him in your corner you never feel alone.  He isn't a man to take his fee and ignore you after.  He takes the weight off your shoulders and I would recommend him to anyone knowing they will be happy with his work on their behalf.

J.Y. ~ Santa Rosa - CA


[Tom was] very knowledgeable in [his] field of Bankruptcy procedures and kept me from sleepless nights of a process that was all so new and frightening. Very professional.

G.D. ~ Santa Rosa, CA


Tom Jeffrey handled our Chapter 13 bankruptcy and he was responsive and effective in guiding us through this difficult period in our life. Tom’s many years of experience and legal knowledge helped us immensely, and we trusted him to represent our best interests. We would definitely recommend him to anyone who is in need of legal guidance.

S.O. and V.O. ~ Sebastopol, CA


Tom Jeffrey saved the day, literally. We found out at 4:30 pm that our home would be sold in foreclosure if we did not file bankruptcy by 9 am the following morning. Tom was the only attorney from the Yellow Pages who would take my call. He told us exactly what to do, what forms to fill out that night and send to him, and that he would get up at 5am to do his part. He did. He kept his word and did not charge an exorbitant fee. Our foreclosure was cancelled 30 minutes before the sale time. Tom has always been professional treating us with respect and dignity and truly caring about us, our family, and our situation. He was always available to address our concerns and answer our questions, with quite a bit of patience. Tom has been our angel. We highly recommend his skill, knowledge, integrity and professionalism. Thank you, Tom, for your expertise and care in supporting us to keep our home.

Unnamed ~ Sonoma County


(707) 543-8530

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Law Office of Thomas Jeffrey
1400 N. Dutton Avenue, #21
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
P: (707) 543-8530
Email Us

Santa Rosa California Office Location