
 (707) 543-8530


santa rosa california law firm

Santa Rosa Debt Collection Defense Attorney

Stopping Foreclosures, Repossessions, Lawsuits, and other Collection efforts in Sonoma County, California

With a few exceptions, the filing of a bankruptcy automatically stays (stops) creditors from foreclosing, repossessing vehicles, garnishing wages, levying bank accounts and most other actions to collect a debt. It gives you time to work out a plan to save your property while you discharge debts. For many people, it is the best way to save a home, car or other property. The stay ends when your case is closed, but the discharge order includes an injunction preventing creditors from doing many of the same things for debts that were discharged in the case. If you are facing challenges due to financial hardship, you will need an experienced Santa Rosa, California, debt collection defense attorney on your side.

To schedule a FREE consultation with an experienced lawyer, call the Law Office of Thomas Jeffrey today at (707) 543-8530, or fill out our online form. We serve clients throughout Sonoma County, in Northern California.

Avoiding Foreclosure in Northern California

Avoiding foreclosure in Northern California can be accomplished in several ways, or at the minimum you can take control of the situation to reduce the impact it has on your life. Our Santa Rosa, California, foreclosure attorney, Thomas Jeffrey, can explain how you can stop foreclosure in the best way for your specific circumstances which may include filing chapter 13, short sale, or a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Take special note that any offer of a forbearance agreement will offer you little more than a way to postpone foreclosure sale of your home. Lenders typically require a large lump sum--money you might not have—prior to any agreement to stop the foreclosure process. If you end up missing a payment, the agreement terms typically allow for more immediate action, including making it much more difficult for you to stop foreclosure sale. Contact Attorney Thomas Jeffrey to review your specific situation.

Avoiding Automobile Repossessions

In 2005, the bankruptcy laws were changed to give people filing chapter 7 bankruptcy three options to avoid automobile repossession: voluntary return, redemption (paying the current value in a lump sum) or reaffirmation (legally committing to the loan terms despite the bankruptcy).  In chapter 13, the debtor normally either returns the vehicle, continues to make the loan payments, or pays the current value (if less than the loan balance). Attorney Thomas Jeffrey can help you understand the specific details of each option, during your initial consultation, so that you choose the best option for your situation.

Credit Collection Lawsuit Defense Lawyer

If you have been sued to collect a debt for credit cards, medical bills, or any type of debt, it is important to contact an experienced Sonoma County credit collection lawsuit defense attorney. Do not make the mistake that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself. It is also important to not make the assumption that you owe what the creditor is stating that you owe. Creditors must follow the law and prove what you owe. Contact our law office to discuss the specifics of your credit lawsuit, and protect your rights.

Stop Creditor Collection Efforts in Northern California

Are you being harassed by debt collectors in Northern California? You are not alone. It is against the law for debt collectors to harass a consumer. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects consumers from debt collector harassment by prohibiting certain debt collection actions. Collectors cannot annoy, abuse, or deceive for the purpose of collecting a debt. If you are avoiding answering the phone or opening your mail every day, then contact Attorney Thomas Jeffrey to put an end to the harassment and take back control of your life.

Creditor Violations

Creditors sometimes violate the stay or the discharge injunction. The court usually will award attorneys fees and emotional distress damages, particularly if the creditor is given a chance to correct the error and doesn't. If you suffered other damages as a result of the violation, those damages may also be awarded. The Law Office of Thomas Jeffrey has brought many successful actions for these types of violations.

Protect Your Rights - Contact a Sonoma County Collection Defense Law Firm Today

At the Law Offices of Thomas Jeffrey, our experienced Santa Rosa Collection Defense Lawyer has helped residents of Sonoma County, California, for over 30 years. If you are overwhelmed with financial distressed, facing foreclosure, lawsuits, or other creditor actions including harassment, contact Thomas Jeffrey at (707) 543-8530 or fill out our online form. Our initial consultation is FREE.

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(707) 543-8530

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Law Office of Thomas Jeffrey
1400 N. Dutton Avenue, #21
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
P: (707) 543-8530
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Santa Rosa California Office Location