
 (707) 543-8530


santa rosa california law firm

Bankruptcy Forms

Below are links to forms for our clients in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases:

Credit Counseling Course

List of approved companies for credit counseling course for cases filed in the Northern District of California. The cost varies depending on the company you choose but many are less than $10. Most companies do it on-line, although some offer to do it by telephone. Many of the companies will do it in another language, especially Spanish.

Financial Management Course

List of approved companies for financial management (also called "debtor education") course for cases filed in the Northern District of California.  This course also is generally done on-line but some will do it by telephone. Just as with the credit counseling class, many of the companies will do it in another language, especially Spanish.


The worksheet that we ask you to complete. Yes, we know this form is long and takes a lot of work to complete. It is very important to complete it thoroughly and is the most important thing that you will do in your case. Mr. Jeffrey uses the completed form to prepare the bankruptcy documents that you will review, sign, and then will be filed with the court. Mr. Jeffrey will always have follow up questions after going through the worksheet and will contact you to go over those. Please make sure to read the instructions before completing it.

Below are forms that local trustees use and a list of documents that each trustee normally requires. There is only one Chapter 13 Trustee, but there are two trustees for Chapter 7 cases. If your case is under Chapter 7, you can download the attached forms once you know which trustee you have:

Chapter 7, Linda Green Trustee

Linda Green requests copies of your (A) bank statements beginning 3 months before the date your bankruptcy was filed up to and including the date of filing; (B) most recent statements for any retirement accounts that you own; and (C) most recent federal income tax return.

Chapter 7, Timothy Hoffman Trustee

Timothy Hoffman requests copies of (A) most recent federal income tax return; and (B) bank statements that include the date your case was filed.

Chapter 13, David Burchard Trustee

Non-Business Cases - In cases in which you are not operating a business (either personally or through a corporation, LLC or other legal entity), David Burchard will request: (A) SIGNED copy of most recent federal income tax return; (B) Paystubs ("advices") beginning 6 months before the date your bankruptcy was filed up to and including the date of filing.

Chapter 13, David, Burchard Trustee, Business Cases

In cases in which you are operating a business (either personally or through a corporation, LLC or other legal entity), David Burchard will request: (A) Paystubs ("advices") beginning 6 months before the date your bankruptcy was filed up to and including the date of filing; and  (B) Completed questionnaire and copies of all documents requested in that form (SIGNED copies of last 3 years of federal income tax returns, 2 most recent payroll tax returns, 6 months of bank statements, licenses, insurance documents, profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows).


(707) 543-8530

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Law Office of Thomas Jeffrey
1400 N. Dutton Avenue, #21
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
P: (707) 543-8530
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Santa Rosa California Office Location