
 (707) 543-8530


santa rosa california law firm

Debt Collection Lawsuits

Litigation Attorney Representing Clients in Santa Rosa, Petaluma, and Throughout Sonoma County

At the Law Office of Thomas Jeffrey, we represent clients in collection and other civil litigation cases. Our law firm has represented both debtors and creditors in collection matters, but most of our creditor work is limited to business cases. Santa Rosa Litigation Attorney Thomas Jeffrey has been involved in many other types of civil litigation, both for the plaintiff and the defendant. Mr. Jeffrey's goal always is to get the best net result for his clients after they pay the attorney’s fees and costs.

It probably won’t surprise you that there are attorneys who seem more focused on maximizing the fees they are paid than the net benefit to their client. Mr. Jeffrey always fully advises his clients of the risks, costs and other considerations on how to approach a case and will follow whatever course they want. Some clients are most concerned with keeping the attorney’s fees as low as possible. Other clients are willing to take risks and have no fears about taking a case to trial. In some cases a contingency fee (percentage of the recovery) makes the most sense. The most important thing is that the client should be allowed to make those decisions after being fully informed. Mr. Jeffrey wants his clients to know that they control the approach that I take in the case.

Contact an Experienced Northern California Debt Collection Lawyer

If you would like to speak directly with Attorney Thomas Jeffrey, call today for a free consultation at (707) 543-8530 or fill out our online form. We represent clients throughout Northern California, in Sonoma County.

For more information, read our FAQ page and subscribe to our blog.


(707) 543-8530

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Law Office of Thomas Jeffrey
1400 N. Dutton Avenue, #21
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
P: (707) 543-8530
Email Us

Santa Rosa California Office Location